Plymouth Redevelopment Commission to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members plan to receive updates on the Hoham Drive and Pioneer Drive projects when they meet tonight.

City Engineer Rick Gaul has been working on documents with engineers for both projects that are expected to take place through 2021. 

An Aquatic Center update is also expected.  Leanne Senter is expected to take over as the director of the operations of the facility until a more permanent organization is found to take over the operations of the facility. 

The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members will also look into the progress of punchlist items at the River Gate South complex and review a resolution pledging a tax increment.

Tonight’s Plymouth Redevelopment Commission meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Plymouth City Council chambers room on the second floor of the Plymouth City Building at 124 N. Michigan Street.  Those attending the meeting should enter the building through the Garro Street entrance.