John Glenn School Corporation to Host ISTA President

The John Glenn School Corporation has a unique opportunity in hosting the president of the Indiana State Teachers Association this Friday. 

The ISTA’s Northern Regional Advocacy Conference at Swan Lake is in Plymouth which gives corporation officials an opportunity to invite the ISTA president to visit the schools as mentioned by John Glenn School Superintendent Christopher Winchell to the school board Tuesday night.

“We felt like in this day and age when administrations and boards don’t always partner the best with the Teachers Association and the administration we thought why not invite the president here to the great school corporation of John Glenn where we have a wonderful working relationship,” stated Winchell. 

Teachers, administrators and local Teacher Association Presidents will have a chance to discuss state topics and the Red for Ed initiative that continues to be strong for public education. 

The tentative schedule shows that the ISTA president will be welcomed at the North Liberty Elementary School at 8:45 a.m., John Glenn High School at 9:30 a.m., Urey Middle School at 10:40 a.m. and Walkerton Elementary School at 11:30 a.m.  The staff and administration will be joining in the conversation throughout the morning.