Triton Superintendent Highlights Success of new Student Resource ‘The Trojan Trade’

Many students are getting involved with the Trojan Trade, according to Triton Superintendent Jeremy Riffle.

He explained, “It’s very, very well received. During our SLCs (Small Learning Communities) each day, people are working that.”

Riffle continued, “We’re allowing any kid who wants to go look around to do that. It’s definitely been an asset to the building.” 

Back in October, school officials shared that English Teacher Susan Shaffer had the desire to establish a location within the Triton Junior/Senior High School that would provide students with clothes, hygiene products and other necessary items free of charge.

Through the collective efforts of students and staff members who constructed racks and brought in and sorted clothing, Shaffer’s idea manifested into the “Trojan Trade”, a resource that’s now available to all students.

Superintendent Riffle said they’re considering finding a new space for to allow for more efficient organization to take place.

He noted, “We really need to probably divide that up into two rooms, with guys’ clothes and girls’ clothes, so we’re still looking for what would be the best place to put that.”

If you have any questions about how your child can benefit from this resource or if you’re curious about making donations, contact the Triton Junior/Senior High School at 574-342-6505.