Triton Teacher’s Dream Combined with Community Support Brings Unique Initiative to Jr./Sr. High

Last week, Triton School officials highlighted a teacher’s unique dream to assist students that recently came to fruition.

According to a post that was shared last Wednesday, for quite some time, English Teacher Susan Shaffer has had the idea to start up a location within the Triton Jr./Sr. High School that would provide students with clothes, shoes, jewelry, hygiene items and other necessary items.  

Through the collective efforts of students and staff members who brought in and sorted clothing and constructed racks, Shaffer’s idea manifested into the “Trojan Trade”, a resource that’s available to all students.

Students can bring in items to trade for something “new to you” or they can simply obtain an item that they need without making a trade.

There are still some items that are needed such as alarm clocks, books, games and watches, as well as school supplies, wire hangers, and dress clothes.

Click the following link for a list of all the additional items that you could donate to help out the Trojan Trade.

If you have any questions, contact Triton school officials at 574-342-2255.