Plymouth City Council Holds Public Hearing on Tax Abatement

The Plymouth City Council members opened a public hearing concerning a tax abatement request from Bomarko officials.

There were no public comments during the tax abatement hearing. 

Marshall County Economic Development Corporation President and CEO Jerry Chavez reminded the City Council members that a resolution for consideration confirms the Economic Revitalization Area at a building at 2400 Walter Glaub where the tax abatement and improvements will occur.

Bomarko CFO Jennifer Hewitt said the building at that site was purchased by the company and improvements have already started that include food safety upgrades and work to include new equipment. 

“We had to make some modifications to the building to make it up to code for Safe Quality Food rules,” said Hewitt.  “There has to be limited access where truck drivers can’t walk into a door and have access to your facility.  We had to put in break rooms and storm shelters because there weren’t any existing.  We also had to revamp the fire sprinkler because it wasn’t up to code for the products we are going to store in the facility.”

The investment in this upgrade is near $7 million. 

When it comes to personal property tax abatement, the Marshall County Assessor suggested that the assets be in the name of Bomarko. 

The Plymouth City Council members approved the resolution with a unanimous vote.