Argos Town Council Tables Talk about Truck Route Changes

When the Argos Town Council met for their first meeting of the month, members talked about some proposed changes to the Town’s truck routes.

Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney shared that some of the existing roads that officials are considering changing over to no longer be included as truck routes include Broadway, Center, Logan and Rail Road Streets.

She noted that West Street is not a truck route at the moment but there have been some suggestions that a portion of it should be changed to allow trucks or the entire roadway should be switched to a truck route.

There are apparently certain buildings along that roadway that need to receive deliveries and GPS systems are directing drivers down West Street. Since there is currently signage that prohibits trucks any violators could potentially face hefty fines.

Ultimately, members decided to table the discussion until their next meeting. Town Attorney Derek Jones was tasked with looking into the matter a bit more.