John Glenn School Board Finalizes Paperwork Prior to Bond Sale

The John Glenn School Board members took steps this week to finalize paperwork prior to the sale of General Obligation bonds. 

The bond sale is expected to generate $1.9 million so the corporation can make several capital improvements.  Those projects include the replacement of the chiller at the Walkerton Elementary School, paving and roof repairs at John Glenn High School, Urey Middle School, Walkerton Elementary School, and North Liberty Elementary School, while work will be done on the Urey Middle School gymnasium floor.  

An additional appropriation resolution was presented to the board members that Superintendent Christopher Winchell said would allow the corporation to include the additional money that deals with the General Obligation bond.

“We need to adjust with the DLGF an additional $1.9 million appropriation,” said Winchell.  “I don’t anticipate us spending that entire General Obligation bond before the end of the calendar year, but since that money’s coming in we need to go ahead and request that.”

The board members unanimously approved the resolution as presented, as well as the final bond resolution that outlines the school board’s work to properly notify the public and the proper steps taken to move forward with the sale of the General Obligation bonds on Oct. 24.