Argos School Board Approves NEOLA Policies & Guidelines

The Argos School Board approved a number of NEOLA policies and guidelines when members met Monday night.

Superintendent Ned Speicher said school officials have been reviewing these over the last two months. He noted a public hearing was held over them last month and no comments were made at that time.

Superintendent Speicher said that NEOLA makes standard adjustments on an annual basis to bring codes up to date with new legislation and advances in technology. He mentioned that there are policies that define certain rules as well as guidelines that address implementation.

He said one of the newer policies addresses crowd-funding and the associated state board of accounts requirements. He explained that there previously wasn’t any language that addressed electronic fundraising in the schools’ rules.

You can view a list of all the policies and guidelines that were up for approval in the Argos School Board’s October Meeting Agenda.