Marshall County EMA Director Asks to Reengage “One County, One Protocol” Conversation

Marshall County EMA Director Clyde Avery asked the Marshall County Safety Committee members to revive action into a “One County, One Protocol” plan in the event of a catastrophic emergency.

The idea was brought to the committee members last fall when Valparaiso Community Schools Associate Superintendent Dr. Julie Lauck offered some tools that could engage the local officials in their research of safety practices.

“One County, One Protocol” is the goal in the county so the same terminology can be used at each school corporation and emergency services agency so everyone knows what protocol is in place at the time of the crisis.

Avery asked that a subcommittee be formed to get discussions going to ensure that a plan is formed and enacted.  A few of the members were interested and will be meeting soon to begin interaction.  Avery will chair the subcommittee.