John Glenn School Board Approves Science Club Trip

The John Glenn High School Science Club members are going to the Galapagos Islands during spring break in 2020.

According to itinerary information, the Science Club members will be learning about the Incas and how they determined the middle of the Earth.  They will conduct experiments, visit the Charles Darwin Museum, snorkel and view aquatic habitats, learn a different culture, adapt to new surroundings, eat different foods, communicate with people who speak a different language, and use local currency. 

Teacher Kay Freehauf is working with a company to organize the trip for the 19 students and 15 adults going on the trip.  Principal William Morton noted that the trip has been in the planning stages for several years. 

The school board gave authorization for the trip including transportation to and from the Chicago airport. 

Fundraising efforts are ongoing to help the students pay for the trip.