New Requirement Spurs John Glenn School Board Discussion

The John Glenn School Board members took time this week to clarify a new requirement set forth by the State Board of Accounts.

Business Manager Tom Bendy explained that the agency is requiring school board members to approve all fundraisers that assist all organizations at the school corporation.  He noted that more auditors will be reviewing more funds in the corporation’s budget.  There will be audits of federal grants, and other accounts including extra curricular accounts. 

“All I really care about is when they come in I can say that to the best of my knowledge the board has approved the fundraisers,” commented Bendy.  “All of our fundraisers get approved at the building level, but for the State Board of Accounts they want the board to know what’s going on and where money is flowing. They want even more checks and balances.”

Board member Christian Mattix raised concerns about knowledge of all fundraisers prior to their occurrence. Bendy replied that if the principals can list all of the fundraisers they’re familiar with, then they can be approved during the consent item on the agenda.  Bendy agreed that there may not be some known fundraisers at the time they’re active, but they can be ratified at a meeting. 

Bendy recommended that the principals include all fundraisers in reports so they can be reviewed by the school board and approved.