John Glenn School Corporation Principals Ready for School Year

John Glenn School Board

All of the building principals within the John Glenn School Corporation touted the work done over the last few weeks by teachers and office and maintenance staff members to prepare the schools for the start of the new school year. 

The first student day is Tuesday, Aug. 13. 

North Liberty Elementary School Principal Randy Romer said according to preliminary counts there are 30 new students at his school.  John Glenn High School Principal William Morton reported that there are 640 students who have registered thus far which is roughly 60 more students than last year.

Superintendent Christopher Winchell stressed that the numbers of students will fluctuate during the first few weeks of school.  At the same time, he noted that the preliminary transfer student count is at 484.

School Board member Christian Mattix asked Winchell for a breakdown of where those students are coming from just to get an idea of the demographics.  That report will be given to the school board at the next school board meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 20.