New Bremen Assistant Police Chief Named

The Bremen Police Department has a new assistant police chief.

Chief Brad Kile asked the Bremen Town Council Monday afternoon to consider the Bremen Police Commission’s recommendation to approve Sgt. Trent Stouder as the new assistant police chief.  The recommendation was approved with a unanimous vote of the town council.

Chief Kile also asked that Sgt. Stouder assume the pay scale of the assistant chief effective Monday, July 8 to which the council also agreed. 

Sgt. Stouder follows Keith Fraine who retired at the end of June to take over as the Bremen Cemetery Superintendent. 

Meanwhile, Kile is looking for an officer for the open position on the department.  The application deadline has passed and he received 18 applications.  Agility testing for those applicants is planned for Saturday, July 13 at the Bremen High School.  Background checks will be performed with a final selection to be made by the end of the month.  That candidate will go before the police commissioners on Aug. 5 and then before the town council members during their regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 12.