Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today

The Marshall County Commissioners will meet today where Jail Maintenance Director John Greer will present quotes for rooftop heating and air conditioning units at the Marshall County Jail.  Greer previously urged the commissioners to consider the replacement of the units to avoid a potential catastrophic event as the units continue to age and need expensive replacement parts. 

Also during today’s meeting, the commissioners will open a public hearing to gather comments on the proposed on ordinance concerning ordinance violations.   Maintenance Director Doug Masterson will discuss the Courthouse Annex exit patio, and Marshall County Museum Director Linda Rippy will present a quarterly report. 

Highway Superintendent Jason Peters will have updates on projects for the commissioners as well as County Attorney Jim Clevenger and Auditor Julie Fox. 

The Marshall County Commissioners will meet this morning at 8:30 a.m. in the second floor meeting room in the Marshall County Building at 112 W. Jefferson Street in Plymouth.