Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today

The Marshall County Commissioners will get an update on the Boys and Girls Clubs of Plymouth and Bremen and also from Culver when they meet today.

Plan Director Ty Adley will have a zoning update, while EMA Director Clyde Avery will have his quarterly update.  John Greer will discuss heating and cooling unit needs, Sheriff Hassel will have an out-of-state training request, and Plymouth City Attorney Sean Surrisi will present an interlocal agreement pertaining to the Marshall County Crossroads Stellar Communities Designation program application.

The commissioners will consider several appointments and representatives from the Marshall County Glass Company will discuss drainage issues. 

Regular reports from Highway Superintendent Jason Peters, County Attorney Jim Clevenger and Auditor Julie Fox will be presented when the commissioners meet today at 9:30 a.m. in the second floor meeting room in the Marshall County Building at 112 W. Jefferson Street in Plymouth.