John Glenn School Board Looks at Vendor List

John Glenn School Board members L to R Robert Borlik, Curt Pletcher, William Groves, Superintendent Richard Reese, Dennis Holland, Christian Mattix, Jeff Johnson

The John Glenn School Board looked at the corporation’s vendor list during their meeting last week.

Business Manager Tom Bendy remarked that this is a requirement by the State Board of Accounts to ensure that the school board looks at the list of vendors that supply the corporation with any kind of goods purchased with federal dollars.  He explained that most of the purchasing is done through the cooperative with the Northern Indiana Education Services Center (NIESC).  While NIESC provides its own paperwork, the State Board of Accounts wants the school board to conduct its own assessment. 

Superintendent Richard Reese believes that the requirement includes the review of the discriminatory laws and that the vendors are following the proper procedures in that aspect.

The 2019-2020 vendor list was unanimously approved.