John Glenn School Board Considering GEO Bond

John Glenn School officials recently met with Baker Tilly and Ice Miller representatives to consider a General Obligation Bond.

Business Manager Tom Bendy explained that a 2014 GEO bond comes off the tax rolls with the last payment in December.  He commented that there are several projects that need to be done at the corporation where another GEO bond would benefit the school. 

Bendy stressed that if they sign paperwork for this bond this summer, the tax rate will not change and the corporation could work on replacing several items such was the chiller at Walkerton Elementary School, the Urey Middle School gym floor and windows at North Liberty Elementary School, also roofing issues, and repaving the parking lots.   

The bond would be for $1.5 million to $1.9 million and money would have to be spent at each school. 

Bendy mentioned that Baker Tilly and ICE Miller representatives will give the school board members a future look at projects so they can plan for expenses.  Funds will be tight as the school corporation stands to lose about $350,000 with circuit breaker law in 2020.  A look into the corporation’s financial future may also reveal timing for a potential referendum in the coming years.

No decisions were made by the John Glenn School Board members this week.  More information will be forthcoming as officials continue their analysis of the bond.