The Culver Town Council members continue to work toward a sidewalk project on State Road 10 as outlined as a Stellar Communities designated project.
Town Manager Jonathan Leist formally asked INDOT to consider removing the right hand turn lane on State Road 10 and lower the speed limit to 35 mph.
INDOT did agree to remove the right hand turn lane in order to make way for the proposed sidewalk project. However, Leist said they turned down the request to lower the speed limit, for now.
“As one of their summer traffic studies they’ll look at that and review it again after they collect data on speeds and traffic volume. I think he said that study will begin in late June,” said Leist.
An update on that study could be released in July.
The project is expected to connect more of Culver so it makes it easier for residents to walk to desired destinations. It expected to be complete in 2021.