Marshall County Commissioners to Consider Permit and Fee for Oversized Loads

Trucks hauling oversized loads on Marshall County country roads may need a permit in the future.

Marshall County Highway Superintendent Jason Peters asked the commissioners on Monday morning about a permit with a potential fee for trucks to haul oversized loads on certain county roads. 

Peters said currently they simply authorize oversized loads to be hauled on county roads, but when those roads become damaged there is no bond or fee money to cover the cost of repairs.

Peters explained that there are instances when county roads are a better option for larger objects to be hauled from point A to point B.  He used windmill turbine blades as an example. 

Peters will be researching policies from other counties and the Indiana Department of Transportation on if tonnage is considered in a permit fee or if a flat fee needs to be initiated.  He will bring that information before the commissioners for consideration in a future meeting.