Argos EMS Director Works on Bylaws, Seeks Additional EMTs

When Argos Town Council members met earlier this month, EMS Director Sarah McCallum addressed her department’s bylaws.

McCallum has been coordinating with Town Attorney Derek Jones about getting the bylaws established. During the meeting, Jones noted that there were a few minor amendments that were made but everything appeared to be in order.

The bylaws will be up for approval during the next EMS department head report which will be delivered when the town council meets on Wednesday, June 19th.

In addition to working on the bylaws, McCallum is also reaching out to the community searching for Emergency Medical Technicians to volunteer for the Argos EMS department.

They are looking for dedicated people who would like to help provide lifesaving EMS coverage to the area.

While they are looking for certified EMTs, they’re also willing to work with people who have an interest in becoming one. If individuals qualify, the department is offering to cover the cost to help get them certified.

Click the following link to access the EMS Department application or pick one up at the Argos Municipal Building located at 201 W. Walnut Street.

If you have any questions, contact the Department at 574-892-5122.