Plymouth Redevelopment Commission to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission will receive updates on several projects tonight.

In addition to learning about the current status of the Plymouth City Hall, Aquatic Center, Early Childhood Center, the Hoham Drive project, River Gate South, and Winona Products, A public hearing will be held to gather comments on the establishment of the Plymouth-Goshen Trail as an Economic Development Area.  If comments are favorable, the commission members may approve a resolution that would confirm that distinction, plus an economic development plan, and an allocation area for the purposes of a TIF District.

The commission members are also anticipated to review a resolution that would designate Pretzels, Inc. as a designated taxpayer. 

The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Plymouth City Council chambers on the second floor of the Plymouth City Building at 124 N. Michigan Street.  Those planning to attend the meeting should use the Garro Street entrance.