Culver Gateway Project to Receive Minor Changes

The West Jefferson Street Gateway project in the Town of Culver will be amended to reflect an oversight.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist said not all of the land needed for the project was included in the specifications.  He said the survey work already done was from Slate Street to town limits, but it actually needs to go all the way to State Road 17. 

“Right before the survey work got started, Mike Reese from The Troyer Group and I were reviewing the total scope and realized we didn’t have survey work for those last two or three properties along State Road 17,” explained Leist.  “So, I had him go ahead and add that.”

Due to that small change in the scope of the project, Leist asked the council members to approve a contract addendum in the amount of $5,500 for the additional survey work. 

Leist said in a quarterly meeting coming up with INDOT, who approved grant funding for this project, he will request that funding be moved around to accommodate the change in survey work.  It should not affect the town’s 20 percent match in the overall project. 

The town council approved the addendum as presented with an abstaining vote from Council President Ginny Bess Munroe.