Marshall County Officials to Look into Drain Request

Marshall County officials will look into a request by Robert Bosco regarding a mound septic system drainage plan on property he owns.

Marshall County Highway Superintendent Jason Peters presented the request to the commissioners and explained that Bosco is building a new house and has to install a septic system on the property in the form of a perimeter drain.

“For him to able to get that septic in, he’s going to have to put the perimeter drain around the septic and run it out to the road,” explained Peters.  “Now that septic is on the right-of-way and I knew that wasn’t going to be a question on that. It’s off the property, but he’s going to run it over to the road and then run it down and tie it into a drain.  That’s the only place he could get to to actually get gravity in order to get it to come out on top of the ground for a mound system.”

Peters went on to say that this was the procedure the Marshall County Health Department Board recommended to the homeowner for a septic system at the house. 

With recent concerns of by Health Administrator Christine Stinson and Dr. Byron Holum pertaining to e-coli contamination in the ground water caused by failing septic systems, the commissioners thought it would be best to take a second look at the request.  They voted unanimously to table the request until their next meeting on Monday, March 18.

The conversation pertaining to the concerns in septic systems will be aired during Sunday’s Maximum Impact program on MAX 98.3 at noon.