Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Communities Initiative Plans to Apply for Designation

Officials with the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Communities Initiative plan to submit another application this spring toward an official designation this fall. 

The county was close to a designation last year as the plan reached the finalist stage.  With feedback from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs and the confidence backing a strong plan, the steering committee spearheading the cause believes it would be worthwhile to move forward with another application this year. 

Plymouth City Attorney Sean Surrisi urged a couple of Plymouth City government members to be a part of the initiative and have input in the process.  

In order to help fund the work of all aspects in the application and planning process, the county and all municipalities in the plan agreed to commit money and the same is being asked this year.  Surrisi said the $5,000 contribution that the city committed last year will be asked for again this year along with another $5,000 to cover costs.  The request was unanimously approved. 

The letter of intent is due April 5 for this year’s application process.

Culver Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe told the Culver Town Council members this week that the committee will be working on a Quality of Life team that will engage all in the county with a broader vision.  Public engagement sessions will also be planned.