Argos Town Council Permits Code Enforcement on Marshall Street Property with Over 40 Trailers

Argos Town Council members permitted Marshall County Building Commissioner Chuck DeWitt to move forward with some code enforcement on a reported eyesore when they met for their final meeting in February.

DeWitt talked with members about a property on Marshall Street that is out of compliance with the town’s zoning regulations. He explained that there are currently 42 trailers sitting there and since the area is zoned L-1, or light industrial, that is not permissible.

He noted the only chance such a thing could potentially be allowed is if the owners went before the Board of Zoning Appeals and requested a variance of use. DeWitt mentioned that the property is owned by LRV Investments, Incorporated and a BZA hearing over the matter hasn’t taken place.

When discussing the matter further, council members commented on how the property is near US 31. DeWitt added that whenever people pass by Argos, that’s what they’re seeing.

Council President George Null noted that the owner of the trailers is not the same owner of the land. Council VP Charles Randy Snead asked DeWitt what could be done to address it.

Building commissioner DeWitt replied that a letter could be sent, allowing 30 days for the situation to be rectified. If the property is not brought into compliance in that time and officials decide more time should not be permitted, then the case could possibly be taken to court.

A unanimous vote was cast to allow DeWitt to proceed with the code enforcement on the trailers at the Marshall Street property.