Argos EMS Director Highlights Potential Funding Opportunity for New Radios

After receiving a tip from Marshall County 911 Director Matt Pitney, Argos EMS Director Sarah McCallum brought a possible grant opportunity to the attention of town council members.

Director McCallum told the town council last week that Pitney informed her about a radio grant that was previously only accessible to Fire Departments that is now available to EMS Departments as well.

She noted that in order to apply for the funding, there would be an initial cost of approximately $680 to have a grant submission created and to cover any additional preliminary charges. She added that the town would be responsible for a 10 percent local match.

McCallum went on to explain what the grant funding could potentially cover.

She said, “It would be one portable radio per seat and we can count our jump seats so that would be six for EMS and also two on board radios.”

Director McCallum mentioned that most the information she could find was about the 2018 grant round so she didn’t have all the details about the funding for this year. She said she plans to do a bit more research so she can deliver some more information for council members to consider in the future.

Council members gave her permission to continue looking into the potential funding opportunity for new radios.