Marshall County Commissioners Discuss Contract with Advanced Products Group

A contract was discussed between Marshall County and Advanced Products Group to make sure current phone parts are under warranty and can be replaced.

IT Director Michael Marshall told the Marshall County Commissioners last week that he is looking to upgrade the phones for the government buildings and this agreement will help cover the current equipment until the upgrades can begin. 

“The phone system we have now – it’s reached its end of warranty,” said Marshall.  “Given what it’s going to cost us and how long it’s going to take to get ready for what we’re doing out at the jail, I just feel that it’s better that they’re willing to warranty the parts and service until we’re ready to switch to something else.”

The Marshall County Jail needs to upgrade the system as it recently failed. The new system will allow for more capabilities for easier access to voicemail and other benefits.  The government buildings will be next in the process.