John Glenn School Board Reorganizes, Welcomes New Member

John Glenn School Board members L to R Robert Borlik, Curt Pletcher, William Groves, Superintendent Richard Reese, Dennis Holland, Christian Mattix, Jeff Johnson

The oath of office was recited by new John Glenn School Board member Daniel Drotar prior to the start of the school board meeting Tuesday night.

The school board members welcomed Drotar who brings years of education experience to the panel.  Drotar is filling the seat of Janice Ryan who decided not to run for re-election in 2018. 

The board proceeded to reorganize where Dennis Holland was appointed as president, Christian Mattix as vice president and Jeff Johnson as secretary.

Tom Bendy was reappointed as the Corporation Treasurer and Carol Kuzmicz as the Deputy Treasurer. 

Jeff Johnson was retained as the Legislative Liaison; Curt Pletcher and Christian Mattix were appointed to the Technology Committee; Daniel Drotar was appointed to the High Abilities Committee; William Groves to the Athletic Council; and Newby, Lewis, Kaminski and Jones was retained as the corporation attorney. 

The school board salary for each member for the year will be $2,000. 

The John Glenn School Board meeting schedule will remain on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.  The meetings are typically scheduled to take place in the Administration Building on the campus of the John Glenn High School.  With the holiday schedule this month, the next school board meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. in the Administration Building.