Marshall County May Update Vehicle Fleet

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Mike Delp, Kevin Overmyer, Kurt Garner

The Marshall County Commissioners may consider updating the county’s fleet of vehicles.

There are eight vehicles headed into the last year of the lease, according to Commissioner Michael Delp.

“Pickup trucks, in particular, are a high resale value right now,” said Delp. “We can upgrade for basically minimal or no cost to 2019 pickups as a part of this lease and come out better on fuel mileage and multiple other things.”

Derek Willard from Enterprise said there wouldn’t be much of a difference when comparing the current payments with new lease payments.

“The increase in annual lease payments would be $2,300 and the estimated annual fuel savings by getting into a newer vehicle is $2,900,” commented Willard. “So, you’re looking at conservatively the same spend when you’re combining lease, maintenance and fuel of your fleet of vehicles. That’s eight current lease vehicles.”

Willard said the six vehicles the county owns could get an update as well.

“Using that amount that they’re worth and lowering your cost on a new vehicle, it would be a new annual lease cost of $29,418 with an annual fuel savings of $3,200. Overall, your total annual lease cost would be $74,550 across these vehicles with a total annual fuel savings of $6,100.”

Willard recommended upgrading the pickups to a double cab and replacing the sedans with smaller SUVs. He said the resale values would be higher, if the company would sell the vehicles for the commissioners when asked.

No decisions were made during Monday’s commissioners meeting, but the information was taken under advisement.