Street Closure Requests Considered by Plymouth Government Officials

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members considered two requests to close alleys and streets for various events.

City Promotions Coordinator Laura Mann asked to close Michigan Street from Adams Street to Pennsylvania for the annual holiday parade and Christmas tree lighting. The road will be closed from 5:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. There is a change this year where residents will be gathering on Michigan Street on the bridge for the Christmas tree lighting.

Mann noted that she did get the proper permit from INDOT.

In another request, a representative from the Women’s Care Center on Michigan Street asked to close the alley in the rear of the building. He said crews will be working to repair brick on the east side of the building and it would be beneficial to close the alley to ensure safety of workers and the general public. The alley closure would be from Saturday, Oct. 27 to Monday, Oct. 29.

Both requests were approved with unanimous votes.