Plymouth School Board Adopts 2019 Budget

The Plymouth Community School Corporation’s 2019 budget was officially adopted by the school board Tuesday. The total budget adds up to about $35 million.

A major change from previous budgets is the consolidation of four of the school corporation’s funds into two, as part of Indiana’s overhaul of the school funding structure. The General Fund will be replaced with the Education Fund. The Capital Projects, Transportation, and Bus Replacement funds will be combined into an Operations Fund. The Plymouth School Corporation’s 2019 budget calls for an Education Fund of more than $20 million, while the Operations Fund will be more than $9 million.

During Tuesday’s meeting, Business Manager Kandi Tinkey reviewed a number of other minor changes to the budget approval process. She added that while there will no longer be separate funds for capital projects and bus replacement, the corporation still has to submit capital projects and bus replacement plans. Those plans for 2019 were approved by the school board Tuesday.

Tinkey previously told board members that the corporation is scheduled to replace three buses each year, with each bus expected to remain in service for 12 years.