Plymouth City Officials Looking into Malfunctioning Stoplight

Plymouth Street Department officials are attempting to get to the bottom of the malfunctioning stoplight at Jefferson and Michigan Street (State Road 17).

Street Department Superintendent Jim Marquardt explained to the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members Monday night that his department received numerous complaints that the westbound light signal at the intersection did not go through the proper cycle over the weekend. Several motorists were stranded at the light for more than 15 minutes, including school buses on Monday, before it would go through a green light cycle. According to Marquardt, they’re doing what they can, but only the state can fix the problem as it’s their equipment.

“I believe the county called the state on Saturday and we called them and talked to a gentleman on Sunday when the mayor called and said we had some issues,” said Marquardt. “They said that they’re going to try and get someone there in a few days. I told him this is a major intersection and cars were sitting through five and six cycles and people were starting to go through red lights.”

It was noted that Monday was a state holiday and no workers would be able to check the timing system to remedy the issue. Marquardt said he was given strict instructions not to impede on the state’s equipment.

Marquardt hopes that someone from the state can look into the problem today.