Marshall County Sheriff’s Department Requests Permission to Apply for Grants

The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department will be applying for three different grants this fall.

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel asked the county council’s permission to apply for two of those grants.

“I’d like to make a grant request for DARE and I’m also looking at doing a grant request for some type of program that would get some literature into the jail,” said Hassel. “It would get the inmates started on understanding addiction and what treatments are available out there. Probably about 80 percent of our population is going to have some type of connection to drugs, drug abuse and drug addiction.”

The third grant will be submitted by Matt Pitney for an NG911 grant to help purchase a new recorder. The current recorder is at the end of its life and parts are no longer available for it. It records all of the 911 calls, radio traffic and all administration lines.

Pitney said the recorder could cost upwards of $100,000. The grant would cover 60 percent of the cost while the county would be responsible for 40 percent. If the grant is awarded, the county will have four years to complete the project.

The county council members approved both grant requests. More detail about these grants can be heard this Sunday at noon during the Maximum Impact program on MAX 98.3 FM.