Marshall County Council Approves Additional Appropriations

The Marshall County Council members discussed several additional appropriation requests last week.

The sheriff requested permission to spend $7,500 for prisoner supplies. There was a 65 percent increase in the jail population from May 2017 to August 2018 which prompted the request for more supplies.

The sheriff also asked that $158,000 be appropriated for a full-body scanner at the jail. The council previously approved a request to purchase the machine to deter the trafficking of illegal drugs into the jail. It will be utilized in the booking area at the sheriff’s department.

The council also considered an additional appropriation request in the amount of $72,181 from the Cumulative Bridge Fund in order to fund professional services used to establish federal reimbursements received to fund lines in the budget.

Just over $132,000 was requested for fuel reimbursements as well.

All additional appropriations were approved including $4,000 in the Lake Enforcement grant to cover a shortfall in fuel costs.