Argos Town Council Hears Concern Over Skateboards and Bicycles on Downtown Sidewalks

A concerned individual came before Argos Town Council members this month to discuss skateboards and bicycles being ridden on prohibited sidewalks downtown.

Argos Library Director Jane Hall told town council members that she’s concerned for the safety of library patrons since the sidewalk in front of their building’s entrance frequently has people speeding by on bikes and skateboards.

She noted that there are posted signs that say those activities are not permitted, but people seem to ignore them or they’re unaware that they are there. She also voiced a concern with people visibly utilizing devices while they’re riding, making it extra unsafe.

She added that it isn’t just kids doing this since she’s noticed some adults who seem to be breaking this posted rule as well.

Hall indicated that she’s not sure what else could be done to keep people from breaking the town’s rule but she felt that it should to be brought to the attention of the council since it is a safety concern.

The council members informed her that the concern has been noted.