$50,000 Broadband Readiness Planning Grant Awarded to Marshall County

Pictured L-R: Director of Broadband Opportunities Scott Rudd, Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist, Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch, Marshall County Council President Judy Stone, Bourbon Town Council President Les McFarland, OCRA Executive Director Jodi Golden and County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer
Photo Source: Les McFarland

Marshall County was recently awarded a Broadband Readiness Planning Grant through OCRA’s Community Development Block Grant Program.

Officials from Marshall County, as well as the towns of Bremen, Bourbon, Culver and La Paz collaborated to apply for the grant.

Marshall County was selected as one of five recipients to be a part of the pilot program that will educate and help shape how broadband can be established throughout the entire state, according to OCRA Executive Director Jodi Golden.

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist, Marshall County Council President Judy Stone, Bourbon Town Council President Les McFarland and County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer attended an event in Indianapolis on Wednesday to accept the $50,000 grant award.

Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch presented the grants and commented that she and Governor Eric Holcomb believe that rural Indiana is the state’s next great economic development frontier. She stated that it is important that rural Indiana and the Hoosiers who call it home don’t get left behind as progress continues. She added that the grants will help bring high-speed, reliable and affordable internet to the entire state.

Bourbon Town Council President Les McFarland said the grant will help officials educate community members as well as plan, create and identify ways to improve broadband speeds since access to high-speed internet is integral to modern economic development.  He also noted that this effort is a great example of how the various entities involved with the Marshall County Crossroads Stellar Initiative are working together and coordinating on how to improve quality of life in the area.