Student Reading Lists Approved by Plymouth School Board

The Plymouth School Board approved the reading lists for the high school and junior high school levels Tuesday. “The Hunger Games,” the Diary of Anne Frank, and “A Christmas Carol” are among the titles Lincoln Junior High students can expect to read. Most Plymouth High School English classes will read a Shakespeare play, but English 12 ACP will read Ian Pollock’s graphic novel adaptation of “King Lear.”

Works of fiction aren’t limited to just English classes, though. Economics students will read George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” The Weidner School of Inquiry’s reading list contains some relatively unconventional choices, such as “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” for AP Calculus and the graphic novel “V for Vendetta” for Dual Credit Government.

Superintendent Andy Hartley told the school board that the curriculum materials have met the necessary criteria, according to the corporation’s administrative guidelines.