John Glenn School Principals Report Successful Start to the School Year

The building principals within the John Glenn School Corporation reported a successful start to the year.

The enrollment is up with a total number of 439 transfer students. About 100 of those students have come from the Greene Township school after its closure earlier this year. Superintendent Richard Reese reported that about 20 students signed up to transfer to the school, but they have not yet attended class so it’s assumed they’ve chosen to stay with their current school system.

The official Average Daily Membership (ADM) count for state funding purposes will be taken Sept. 14.

It was noted by board member Jeff Johnson that the board may need to think about growth in the elementary school level as classrooms are at capacity. The school board held a discussion about that a few months ago, but are researching trends to come up with a possible plan. They may attempt to limit the number of transfer students coming into the corporation if the trend continues.