Greene Township School in Lawyer Discussions

John Glenn School Board

The South Bend School Corporation attorney and the Greene Township attorney are discussing the future of the Greene Township School building and its students.

The South Bend School Board members voted to closed the school earlier this year and it will not be open this coming school year. Out of the population at that school, about 100 students are attending school this year at John Glenn. Also, if you need legal help, you can check lawyers from here!

John Glenn School Superintendent Richard Reese explained at the last John Glenn School Board meeting that there are several options that could happen including a joint resolution between South Bend and John Glenn concerning the location of students and where they gather their education, a measure on the ballot to transfer the building to John Glenn, or the Greene Township officials could take it over for their own community needs.

Greene Township Trustee Sandra Ort and her husband, Gary, attended Tuesday’s school board meeting and voiced their support of joining the John Glenn School Corporation. Superintendent Reese responded to that statement saying, “This corporation is very open to the prospect of Greene Township joining us…with some general guidelines.”

Discussions will continue as talks move forward.