Over $2,800 Raised for Triton Community Schools at Drive-4-Ur-School Event

Sales Manager Drew Westafer and Superintendent Jeremy Riffle                        Photo Source: Triton School Corporation FB

Officials at Triton Community School Corporation recently extended their gratitude to Auto Park Ford in Bremen for their assistance with a Drive-4-Ur-School event over Memorial Day weekend.

At Drive-4-Ur-School events, people are able to test drive a car on the lot as long as they contribute a donation to the cause. Altogether, the fundraiser raised more than $2,800 for Triton Community Schools.

On Monday, officials shared a picture on social media of Sales Manager Drew Westafer presenting the check to Superintendent Jeremy Riffle.

The community members who participated in the event were also thanked. Officials noted that the money from the donations will go toward a specific area designated by the driver. Westafer said individuals were able to select from different categories including the art club, athletics, the resource room and Blessings in a Backpack.