REES and Rails Event set for Thursday Evening

A fundraising event for the REES Theater is set for tonight (Thursday) from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the newly-renovated Brass Rail restaurant in downtown Plymouth.

The evening will be filled with trivia, a silent auction, door prizes, and a project update on the restoration of the beloved REES Theater at 7p.m. The evening will be emceed by REES fundraising team member Tom Flynn.

Live music will begin at 8 p.m.

The REES Theater is undergoing a transformation that will allow community events and shows to be presented to revive the historic building and the downtown area.

Regional Cities has offered a $300,000 match toward the project and extended the deadline to June 30 in order for the committee to show in-kind and philanthropic donations up to $1.94 million for the funding. Monetary donations are also included.

It is the hope of supporters that the REES Theater will open to the public once again on its 80th anniversary in 2020.