Marshall County Commissioners Approve Bridge Inspection Contract with INDOT

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Mike Delp, Kevin Overmyer, Kurt Garner

Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters presented County Commissioners with a bridge inspection contract when they met Monday night.

Peters first stated that an agreement between the county and USI Consultants, the company that will be performing the inspections, has already been made and he noted that contract was approved during a past meeting.

He explained the contract presented this week is between the county and the Indiana Department of Transportation. The INDOT contract was reviewed in previous meetings as well.

According to County Attorney Jim Clevenger, the contract runs through October 31, 2022. It permits the County to utilize a qualified consultant, in this case USI, to perform the inspections. It also includes the general provisions that require audits and compliance with all federal and state rules and regulations.

Additionally, the contract sets out the procedure for receiving payment. Clevenger noted that INDOT will contribute a maximum of $247,765.26 or 80 percent of the project costs.

The commissioners initially thought the document just needed to be reviewed and signed. However, Auditor Julie Fox alerted them that the motion to approve the contract was tabled at their last meeting.

The commissioners then cast a unanimous vote to accept the bridge inspection contract with INDOT. It was signed by all three commissioners and attested by Auditor Fox.