Argos Clerk-Treasurer Notes Change to State Board of Accounts Procedures

A change to State Board of Accounts procedures was brought to the attention of Argos Town Council members when they met last Wednesday.

Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney explained that the State Board of Accounts is moving away from sending auditors out into the field. In order for the agency to utilize electronic communication to their advantage, Mullaney said that municipality officials will now be required to upload certain documents directly to Gateway on a regular basis.

Mullaney stated, “They’re going to make it so that clerk-treasurers have to put all minutes of the boards, all financial statements and stuff will go through Gateway. It will not be for public viewing but they can have an auditor maybe audit from an office in Indianapolis or where ever they’re at.”

Mullaney noted that all minutes and other documentation will need to be uploaded within 60 days from when the meeting was held.