Plymouth City Council Approves Several Resolutions

The Plymouth City Council members reviewed several resolutions for consideration during their meeting Monday night.

One resolution would transfer appropriations in the aviation fund on behalf of the Plymouth Board of Aviation Commissioners in the amount of $29,500. Airport Manager Bill Sheley said funds were used to prepare an old office space that the Culver Military Academy Flight School will be using for a flight school. Sheley added that some of the funding was spent down in operating line items and this transfer would replenish those line items. He said it will help with operating capital for the rest of the year.

Another resolution would transfer appropriations in the cumulative capital development fund on behalf of the aviation board in the amount of $231,800. Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver said the appropriation wasn’t advertised correctly. It was advertised as services and charges when it’s a Cumulative Capital Development Fund. She added that the money is the cost of the airport layout plan. The money will be reimbursed 90 percent by the Federal Aviation Administration and five percent will be reimbursed by the state.

The last resolution considered was the All-Hazards Mitigation Plan which is patterned by the county and is a requirement in order to obtain FEMA funding for flood assistance.

All resolutions passed with a unanimous vote.