Highway Crews Finish Reclaiming Roads, Resurfacing Planned This Year

Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters told the county commissioners Monday morning that the process of reclaiming roads is complete. Calcium is being applied to help keep down the dust. It also acts as a binding material.

Peters presented a list of 15 roads that were reclaimed, but the process isn’t done yet.

“The roads listed on here are all to be resurfaced this year with chip seal or paving,” explained Peters. “Once they’re sprayed with calcium, we’ll come back and put a prime coat on them. That’s the bonding agency for either the chip and seal or the surface that we’re going to put on.”

Peters hopes to get the chip and seal work started in June.

“Weather permitting we could get started in early June. I know everybody seems to wait until July, but if we can get started earlier maybe we can have everything done by mid-July.”

Once the calcium has time to settle in, a prime coat will be applied to provide a better adhering agent for the resurfacing material. The prime coat will be applied in the next few weeks and it recommended to stay off the road during this process to keep the product on the surface.

“If it’s wet there for a little bit, it’ll pick up,” said Peters. “When it picks up and comes out of the way that takes your surface coat away from the road so when you chip and seal it’s likely that it’ll come out of there. As long as you have that prime coat in place, usually it’s pretty good about staying in place.”

Reclaimed roads to be resurfaced:
2B from Quince west small section on Sage to 2A
Oak from U.S. 6 to 3rd Road
3rd Road from Nutmeg to U.S 31
6th Road from Juniper to Hawthorn
Hickory Road from 7B to 5th Road
5th Road from Gumwood to Fir Road
10B Road from U.S. 331 to the county line
Beech Road from 12th to 9B Road
Cedar from 12th Road to 9B Road
11th Road from U.S. 331 to Cedar
Gumwood Road from 12B to the railroad tracks
Gumwood Road from 12B south .75 miles
12th Road from Maple to Muckshaw
14B from Olive Road to Nutmeg
Underwood Road from 19B to 18A Road