The utility improvement project at the Sand Hill Farm workforce housing development in Culver needs some signatures on contracts as the project moves along.
The paperwork for the street portion that was awarded Community Crossing funds of about $100,000 from the Indiana Department of Transportation needs to be approved by Monday, April 16. If the paperwork is not turned in by that date, the funding may not be available for the project.
The total bid approved was just over $590,000 which was submitted by Thomas Excavating and Welding, Inc. The utilities portion includes the installation of water and sewer lines, a pump station, manhole, a road into the subdivision, curbs and sidewalks, and grading and seeding. The alternate bid would include hooking the water line to the east and connecting to the existing water line on Clymax Street. The engineers believe that his will improve the water system, allowing for more sources of water to the development.
When the paperwork comes back from the engineer, the Culver Town Council members gave permission to Council President Ginny Bess Munroe to sign the necessary paperwork and get it submitted by the deadline. A notice to proceed will be filed following the submission of the contract.