Voter Registration Ends April 9

Now is the time to register to vote for the May Primary Election.

The Marshall County Election Board members encourage all residents to vote.

Voters may register to vote online by visiting Indiana residents with a valid Driver’s License or state-issued identification card may register online or update a registration record.

In order to register or update current information in person or by mail, you will need to fill out a voter registration form on or before April 9 and return it to the county clerk.

Once the voter registration application is received, officials at the county voter registration office will process the application and determine eligibility. If you are eligible, the county office will send you a voter registration acknowledgment card. Once you receive that card, you will be officially registered. If you are not eligible, or if the application was incomplete, you will receive a notice denying the application or requesting the missing information.

Voters can find polling locations, county contact information, and look to see which candidates are on the ballot for the May Primary by visiting