Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety Approve Funding for Bridge

Funding for a footbridge to be built near the South Gateway Project was approved by the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety Monday night.

The $300,000 footbridge will cross the Yellow River on the south portion of the property near S. Michigan Street and Lake Street in Plymouth. The city’s share would be $90,000 which would come out of the city monetary gift fund which yields the proceeds of the sale of TechFarm property. The money is split between Vanco Development and the City of Plymouth.

David Miller from Vanco Development urged the members to consider using that funding for the culvert issue he previously brought before the governing board. He believes that $100,000 could be spent on the drainage issues that could plague the property if the culvert adjacent to the property is not upgraded to a larger size. Miller said the company has spent thousands of dollars on studies for this project and believes it would be in the best interest of the city and the company to complete this project.

It hasn’t been determined if the culvert lies on city, county or state property and financial responsibility remains in question. Miller believes this money could alleviate the issue.

Ultimately, the board members unanimously decided to go forward with funding the bridge. The board will consider a request to name the bridge after the VanVactor family.