Bremen Town Council to Consider EMS Contracts

The Bremen Town Council will soon be taking bids for a new ambulance service.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said a meeting was recently held to go over what is expected with an EMS service in Bremen.

“It’s going to go out for bid on June 1,” said Weldy. “We’ll give them until the end of June to get bids back in. That process is just about to start. I went over the final draft of the contract and everything looks pretty good. It’ll probably be the first of October before the new ambulance service takes over – or it could stay the same.”

A 60-day notice will be given to the current EMS service around Aug. 1 unless that company’s bid is the winning bid.

The newly acquired EMS building is nearing the end of the remodeling phase. Weldy says the only thing left is to move in the washer and dryer, stove, refrigerator, and hot water heater for the staff.