John Glenn School Board to Hear Public Comments on Property Donation

John Glenn School Board

The John Glenn School Board will entertain public comment tonight on a property donation by the Hiler family.

The corporation received the donation of the property at 123 Shamrock Street at the end of 2015. The school board plans to donate it to the newly formed John Glenn Education Foundation in an action that is expected to take place after the public hearing. The property will then be sold with the proceeds to benefit the foundation.

The school board members deemed the property of no use to the corporation at their last meeting and gathering public comment on the property donation is the next step in the process. Superintendent Richard Reese told the board that he is attempting to expedite the process to get the sale complete by the end of April.

In other action by the board tonight, the board will discuss an amendment to the interlocal agreement for a head start consortium. Superintendent Reese will also provide an update to the board.

The John Glenn School Board will meet at 7 p.m. tonight in the John Glenn Administration Building.